The ‘dartmoor’ collection began in January 2022.

I started the project by immersing myself on Dartmoor for the week, travelling around the south west area - Prince Town, Two Bridges, Wistmans Wood, Sharp Tor and more.
I was conscious of how far I was travelling, as I was trying to limit my pollution output as much as possible. 

My visual research began with oil pastel, pencil + pen studies, film + drone photography and lino prints.

I contextualised this project with research into dartmoor life, artists, political issues and influences based on dartmoor.

The colourful nature of this project was - one, inspired by the natural abundance of dartmoor but also - two, supported by yarns from John Arbon Textiles and The Natural Fibre Company.

This project is my favourite project from my whole university portfolio. It pushed me to come out of my comfort zone and strengthen my sense of artistic style; working in new and comfortable realms in my own manner.
I felt confident drawing and visualising my imagination. ︎

© sophie jane pratt 2024

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